Newly reconstructed apartments to provide you comfort and relaxation after your outdoor adventure.
Single apartments or whole ground floor for rental.
We offer 2 apartments with their own kitchens and bathrooms with toilets (one of them is wheelchair accessible).​
Main (summer) season: 1.5. - 30.9.
Main (winter) season: 24.12. - 31.3.
Off-season: 1.10. - 23.12. / 1.4. - 30.4.
Every person 18+ pays 2,50 EUR/night.
See the prices of the apartments below.
ground floor
larger lounge with kitchen and two sleeping places
bedroom with two beds
wheelchair accessible bathroom with shower (the bathroom is accessed via a corridor)
the lounge can be used for all when renting the whole cottage
Wolf apartment
ground floor
lounge with kitchen and two sleeping places
bedroom with two beds
bathroom with shower